Month: February 2020

K.Bell Socks

I give K.Bell socks (the mallard ankle biters) a 2.2/5 rating. See the chart and other ratings here. Socks are just one element of how we put together our style. They’re a way to be expressive and stand out in what can otherwise become a drab world of khaki pants and prim button downs. Goofy …

Selflessness is Selfish

There are few acts that are truly selfless. Dig into each act of selflessness and there will more than likely be a selfish driver. I offer up my own ethos as an example. While my aim to create positive impact can be selfless – I put other people’s needs before mine quite frequently – I …

Stance Socks

I give Stance socks (their athletic ankle height tabbed variety) a 4.6/5 rating. See the chart and other ratings here. I’ve been seeing ads for Stance socks for years. I have had friends mention seeing Stance socks in stores (surprisingly mostly at airports) a number of times. Sock City (a sock only store go figure) …